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Read ebook Electronic Design Automation for IC System Design, Verification, and Testing by Luciano Lavagno FB2, TXT


As part of a two-book series devoted to Electronic Design Automation for Integrated Circuits, this first installment examines logical design, focusing on system-level and micro-architectural design, verification and testing. It begins with a general overview followed by application-specific tools and methods, specification and modeling languages, high-level synthesis approaches, power estimation methods, simulation techniques and testing procedures., The first of two volumes in the Electronic Design Automation for Integrated Circuits Handbook, Second Edition , Electronic Design Automation for IC System Design, Verification, and Testingthoroughly examines system-level design, microarchitectural design, logic verification, and testing. Chapters contributed by leading experts authoritatively discuss processor modeling and design tools, using performance metrics to select microprocessor cores for integrated circuit (IC) designs, design and verification languages, digital simulation, hardware acceleration and emulation, and much more. New to This Edition: Major updates appearing in the initial phases of the design flow, where the level of abstraction keeps rising to support more functionality with lower non-recurring engineering (NRE) costs Significant revisions reflected in the final phases of the design flow, where the complexity due to smaller and smaller geometries is compounded by the slow progress of shorter wavelength lithography New coverage of cutting-edge applications and approaches realized in the decade since publication of the previous edition--these are illustrated by new chapters on high-level synthesis, system-on-chip (SoC) block-based design, and back-annotating system-level models Offering improved depth and modernity, Electronic Design Automation for IC System Design, Verification, and Testing provides a valuable, state-of-the-art reference for electronic design automation (EDA) students, researchers, and professionals.

Luciano Lavagno - Electronic Design Automation for IC System Design, Verification, and Testing read online ebook MOBI, TXT, FB2

Unger s Guillermo Rosensweig is on a hallucinatory journey in which everything seems to go right until it goes terribly, terribly wrong.Describes how a technique is applied and demonstrates this through real design examples.But in Red's mind, Merritt belongs to him alone.Zimmermann discusses well-known frameworks from STS and combines them with propositions and topics from Chinese studies.The Sybex interactive online learning environment provides additional preparation tools, including chapter tests, two bonus practice exams, electronic flashcards, and a searchable PDF glossary of key terms.Cada captulo est redactado en un lenguaje sencillo y accesible.These articles have been published in magazines such as EDN, Electronic Design, and Electronic Design & Technology.Provides the know-how to maximize productivity of vacuum coating systems Thoroughly revised with a significant amount of new information added, including newly developed barrier measurement techniques, improved in-vacuum monitoring technologies, and the latest on Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) Presents the latest information on vacuum deposition, the technology that applies an even coating to a flexible material that can be held on a roll, thereby offering a much faster and cheaper method of bulk coating Enables engineers to specify systems more effectively and enhances dialogue between non-specialists and suppliers/engineers Empowers those in rapidly expanding fields such as solar energy, display panels, and flexible electronics to unlock the potential of vacuum coating to transform their processes and products "Nano-scale materials have unique electronic, optical, and chemical properties which make them attractive for a new generation of devices.Chapters include such topics as John Koza's development of human-competitive electronic circuit designs; David Goldberg's application of competent GA methodology to GP; Jason Daida's discovery of a new set of factors underlying the dynamics of GP starting from applied research; and Stephen Freeland's essay on the lessons of biology for GP and the potential impact of GP on evolutionary theory.Intends to bridge the gap between Linear Parameter-Varying (LPV) modeling and control by investigating fundamental questions of modeling and identification.What are its characteristics?